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Nephthytis poissonii var. constricta (N.E.Br.) Ntépé-Nyamè
LEAVES 1-3 with petiole up to 90 cm long, 1-5 mm thick when dry; blade trilobed-sagittate, often nearly trifoliate; anterior lobe 8.5-23.5 x 3-9.5 cm, separated from the posterior lobes by a ± constriction and almost as broad as they are, ovate-ellipic, apex acute, 5-7 pairs of primary lateral veins, attenuate, reunited by an undulating collective vein; a network of secondary veins and veinlets also attenuate. At the extreme base a pair of veins divides at the level of the constriction into two pairs, one of which runs towards the base, the other arc-ascending to the apex of the lobe; posterior lobes 14-23.5 x 3.5-8.5 cm, oblong lanceolate, extremities aciminate, acumen 0.5-1.5 cm. INFLORESCENCES with 1-3 peduncles 15-52 cm long; spadix sessile or stipitate, stipe up to 1.5 cm; Female portion slightly shorter than the male part; ovule anatropous.