Philodendron acreanum (Araceae)
Stem thick, abbreviated, covered with old cataphylls. LEAVES strongly patent, petioles green and marked with linear or oblong blotches, subterete, the upper side 5-6 mm broadly canaliculate and 2-angled, 40-60 cm long, 2.5-3 cm thick at the base, attenuating upwards. Blades of the forst rank of leaves ovate, entire or repand or lobed, later leaves pinnatipartite, coriaceous, rather glossy dark green on the upper side, paler underneath, outline triangular-ovate, 35-50 cm long, 30-45 cm wide, posterior lobes gradually passing over into the anterior; segments of the posterior lobes shorter, 4-5 alternating on each side of the anterior lobe, 15-25 cm long, 4-5 cm wide; the lower and middle segments MORE OR LESS linear-lanceolate, rather obtuse, margin repand, separated by obtuse, deep sinuses; upper segments short, with a shortly apiculate end; midrib marked with dark spots and primary and secondary laterals semiterete, embedded above, below strongly prominentand pale green, posterior rib naked for almost 10 cm long in the sinus. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle short. Spathe tube green or eventually purple, oblong, 6-8 cm long; blade dark green, ovate-lanceolate, 7-9 cm long with a shortly acuminate apex. Spadix: female zone red, cylindroid, 4 cm long, male zone 10 cm long, somewhat thicker than the female zone. Pistils prismatic, 2-2.5 mm long, stigma 4-6-lobed, 4-6-locular. INFRUCTESCENCE: Berries dirty pale brown, 3-4 mm long, usually 4-locular, locules 3-4-seeded.
Brazil (Acre), Ecuador to Bolivia.