Philodendron anaadu (Araceae)
Scandent herb. Stem 1.7 cm diam., internodes 2.5-4 cm long. LEAVES: Petioles 48 cm long. Leaf blades thinly papery (when dry) outline ovate, cordate at base, acuminate at apex (1.5 cm), to 45-52 cm long 32-35 cm wide, primary lateral veins less than 7 on each side, orientated 50-55º angle to the the midrib. Posterior lobes semicircular, margins somewhat repand, separated by a spathulate sinus, 12.5-14.5 cm long 4.5-6 cm wide, ca. 6-7 robust veins joined together in a posterior rib, naked for 2.5-3.5 cm in the sinus. Abaxially as if powdered, nearly covered with very many small, pale, somewhat raised dots, especially along the principal veins and towards the margins and on the lower part of the petiole (manifestly absent …. (‘manifesta sine lente’)). INFLORESCENCES solitary. Peduncle 4 cm long. Spathe 12 cm long, tube scarcely separated from the blade. Spadix equal to the spathe; stipe 1-1.5 cm long, female zone 5.3 cm long, sterile male zone 0.4 cm long, fertile zone 5.6 cm long.
S. Venezuela.