Philodendron bahiense (Araceae)
Stem scandent, internodes 3-4 cm long. LEAVES: Petiole sappy, 12-16 cm long, with a narrow sheath to somewhat above halfway; Blade rather thick, subcoriaceous, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, apex acute, acuminate, base obtuse, 25-35 cm long, 10-12 cm wide in the upper third, gradually narrowing to 5-8 cm wide towards the base, midrib thick below halfway, fading towards the apex, and with very numerous lateral veins, all subequal, ascending at an obtuse angle. INFLORESCENCE: Spathe oblong, apex shortly acuminate, 10-12 cm long, convolute, 2 cm in diameter. Spadix sessile, subequal to the spathe or eventually somewhat overtopping; Female zone cylindric, 35-4 cm long, 1 cm thick, male zone claviform, obtuse, ca. 2 times longer than female zone, and somewhat thicker. Pistil obovate-oblong, ca. 2 mm long, with an orbicular stigma, 6-7-locular, locules 1-ovulate. Male flowers usually 3-4-androus. INFRUCTESCENCE: Berries oblong 6-7 locular.
Brazil, Bahia, Ilheus.