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Philodendron blanchetianum Schott
LEAVES: Petiole subterete, barely swollen at the apex, 12-15 cm long, 3 mm thick, with a ca. 3 cm long sheath at the base. Blade broader towards the apex than the base, oblong, apex shortly somewhat cuspidate, narrowing in an arcuate line towards the base, 20-26 cm long, 8-9 cm wide in the upper third. Midrib rather thick up to halfway, strongly attenuate towards the apex; 6-7 primary lateral veins on each side, opposite, arcuate-ascending, with just as many or several secondary veins running alternately. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle 2-3 cm long. Spathe oblong, tube 3.5-4 cm long, blade apex very shortly apiculate, measuring 5-6 cm. Spadix with a stipe almost 1 cm long; female zone sub-cylindroid, ca. 3 cm long, 1 cm thick; male zone conoid, obtuse, up to 4 cm long, 1 cm thick in the lower part, somewhat attenuating upwards. Pistils ovoid, ca. 1 mm long, stigma funnel-shaped, usually 6-locular, several ovules in [each] locule, arranged in 2 rows, affixed by short funicles. Male flowers usually 1-androus.