Philodendron buchtienii (Araceae)
LEAVES: Petioles robust, 2-2.2 cm thick; Blade large, rigid, coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, apex with a rather broad, short acumen, narrowing from ca. halfway towards the base, slightly incurved, the extreme base subacute or rather obtuse, 80 cm long or more, up to 25 cm wide at halfway, lateral veins very numerous and very dense, except for the lowermost and uppermost, spreading from the midrib at an obtuse angle, subarcuate near the margin, midrib 1.8 cm wide at the base, gradually attenuating. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle short, terete, moderately robust, 5-6 cm long, 4-6 mm thick. Spathe narrowly oblong, apex shortly apiculate, 8-10 cm long, convolute, 1-1.4 cm diameter. Spadix slender, very shortly stipitate, somewhat shorter than spathe; Female zone narrow, cylindric, ca. 3 cm long, 6-8 mm thick; Male zone elongate-conoid, almost 2 times longer than female zone, up to 1 cm wide in the lower half, attenuating upwards, eventually rather acute. Pistils short, ca. 2 mm long, with a minute round stigma, 4-5-locular, few ovules in each locule, affixed near the base. Male flowers 3-4-androus.
Bolivia: near San Carlos at Mapiri.