Philodendron chimantae (Araceae)
Scandent herb, leaves congested towards apex. Stem 5 cm in diameter, internodes strongly abbreviated, ca. 0.6 cm long, the upper ones hidden by fibrous remains of weak-brown cataphylls. Cataphyll 21-24 cm long, margin delicate and undulate, pale pink below, greenish upwards, dorsally convex, soon marcescent. LEAVES: Petiole 41-71 cm long, nearly semiterete, laterally compressed, and ventrally with spreading wings up to 0.3 cm wide, wider towards the apex (3-5 cm) and occasionally undulate, sheathed in the lower part for 6.5 cm. Leaf blade coriaceous, broadly ovate-triangular in outline, occasionally unequally sided, margin convex or straight, 1.16-1.55 times longer than wide; with rounded or subtrapeziform (with rounded angles) posterior lobes at base, separated by a broadly campaniform 11-12 cm long sinus. Acuminate at apex, 35-52 cm long, 27-43 cm wide (at extreme base), margin undulate, coastal primary veins ca. 8 on each side, ascending almost straight at ca. 45-55 º, arcuate and disappearing towards the margin, minor veins arising from the primary veins at various angles, 5-6 primary veins in each posterior lobe, these joining together into a posterior rib which is naked for 3-5.5 cm in the sinus. Deep green adaxially, rather glossy, midrib and posterior ribs yellowish, midrib flat in lower part, sulcate in upper part, and major veins sulcate; abaxially silvery-greenish, midrib, posterior ribs and primary veins yellowish and distinctly raised. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle solitary, 12-14 cm long, pale green or weakly suffused with wine-colour at the apex. Spathe up to 14.5 cm long, tube 6.5-7.5 cm long, 3.2 cm thick in the upper part, barely constricted, externally rusty-red or wine-coloured, blade very pale green. Spadix subequal to spathe. Pistillate flowers cylindric or 4-6-gonal, ovary equal to 2/3 the length and 5-7 (4-8)-locular, locules with 2-5(-6) ovules attached near base. Staminate flowers from base to apex of the spadix (6-)5-4-androus.
Venezuela, Edo Bolívar.