Philodendron chimboanum (Araceae)
Stem terete, scandent, internodes 3-4 cm long, 1 cm thick. LEAVES: Petiole of the upper leaves 6-7 cm long, rather broadly sheathed almost to halfway; Blade rather thick, linear-lanceolate, apex slightly acuminate, base obtuse, narrowing subequally on both sides, 35-30 cm long, 4-7.5 cm wide. Lateral veins dense, all almost subequal, extending slightly arcuately. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncles slender, usually in threes, almost 10 cm long. Spathe scarcely constricted, convolute, subcylindrical, apex very shortly apiculate, 4-4.5 cm long, 7-7 mm diam. Female zone shorter than male zone. Pistils depressed, barely shorter than wide, truncate tetragonal, with an orbicular stigma, 4-locular, locules uniovulate, ovules hemianatropous, shortly affixed to the base of the locule. Stamen short, wide, usually 4 forming a male flower.
Ecuador, near Puerto de Chimbo.