Philodendron chinchamayense (Araceae)
Stem terete, slender, scandent, covered with a glossy epidermis. Internodes 2.5-5 cm long. LEAVES: Petiole slender, 5-8.5 cm long, with a dense, persistent sheath ending below the base of the blade; Blade rigid, thinly coriaceous, elongate-oblong, apex long-acuminate, mucronulate, base obtuse, strongly unequal, one side equal to 1/2-? the width of the other, 12-20 cm long, 35-55 cm wide, primary veins 16-18, spreading almost horizontally, somewhat thicker than the secondary and tertiary vein. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle 25-30 cm long. Spathe green, 8-9 cm long, convolute, contracted above halfway, apex slightly cuspidate. Spadix yellowish, shortly stipitate, cylindric, obtuse, 6.5-7 cm long. Female zone almost twice as short as male zone. Pistils somewhat narrow upwards, 4-locular, ovules frequently arranged in 2 series.
Peru, Dep. Junin, Tarma Province, near La Merced in Chanchamoyo-Tal.