Philodendron cruentum (Araceae)
Stem short. LEAVES: Petiole semiterete, flattened on upper surface, 15-20 cm long, narrowly winged, base strongly thickened and sheathed. Blade rigid, subcoriaceous, elongate-elliptic-oblong, apex shortly cuspidate, narrowing somewhat gradually or somewhat suddenly towards the base, somewhat unequal, 30-40 cm long, 8-10 cm wide. Midrib rather broad at base, strongly attenuate upwards, with very numerous, very dense lateral veins, all subequal, ascending at a ca. 45º angle. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncles paired, coming from the same axil, 3-4 cm long. Spathe ca. 15 cm long, white outside, inside beautifully blood-red, tube ovoid, 5-6 cm long, blade almost 10 cm long with a narrow, slender cuspid, 7-8 mm long. Spadix subsessile, cylindroid, female zone shorter than male zone. Pistil 4-locular, locules 2-ovulate.
Near Cuchero, at the meeting of the Rio Chinchao and Huallaga, Peru.