Philodendron delascioi (Araceae)
Scandent herb. Stem slender, 0.6-0.8 cm thick (when dry), internodes 4.7-8.5 cm long, with very many, very slender, downward curving spiny excrescences to 0.1 cm long. LEAVES Petiole more or less slender, smooth, 11-14 (-22) cm long, sheathed part barely 1 cm long. Blade upright on petiole, papery, nevertheless more or less rigid (when dry), hastate, 20-23 cm long, 7.5-22 cm wide (measured across the basal lobes), at the base a very open sinus, 1-2.5 cm deep; Anterior lobe triangular-ovate long-attenuate upwards, apex itself acuminate, reaching 8-9 cm wide in the lower part, from which the lateral lobes expand. Primary lateral veins 4 on each side, arising from the midrib at 50-55º angle. Many parallel minor veins arising between the primary ones. Lateral lobes more or less triangular, obtuse towards the apex, always smaller than the anterior lobe. Posterior ribs patent (not at all naked in the sinus), 2 strong lateral veins produced on each side of the posterior rib, in each lobe. INFLORESCENCE unknown.
S. Venezuela.