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Philodendron davidsonii subsp. davidsonii
Internodes 1-5 cm long, 3-8 cm diam.; cataphylls 38-54 cm long, sharply 2-ribbed; LEAVES: petioles 56-85 cm long, obtusely V-shaped, broadly sulcate adaxially, with adaxial margins sharp, with a dark ring at apex; blades 49.5-67 cm long, 21-43 cm wide; basal veins 3-6, mostly 4 per side, with 1-2 free to base, 4th to 6th veins coalesced 3-4 cm; posterior rib 0.8-4 cm long, not at all naked to 4 cm; primary lateral veins (16)18-21 per side, departing midrib at 65-75º angle. INFLORESCENCES 1-3 per axil; peduncle (3.5)5-9 cm long, flowers with style similar to style type D; style apex usually flat with a broad style boss bearing a medial divot; stigma subdiscoid to globular, weakly lobed. INFRUCTESCENCE: Berries greenish, nearly ripe.