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Philodendron duckei Croat & Grayum
Terrestrial or hemiepiphytic near the ground. Internodes purplish to brownish, semiglossy, terete, 1- 5(8) cm long, 3-5 mm diam., drying dark brown, sharply ribbed, densely and minutely scaly-scaberulous (sometimes smooth in age; merely scaberulous in material from Saiil). LEAVES: Petioles 3-7 cm long, sheathed throughout, the sheath matte, erect and incurled, 3-4 mm wide when flattened, closely striate, the striae and lower part of lower midrib often densely scaberulous, sheath apex rounded and slightly overlapping base of blade. Blades slightly inequilateral, one side 7-1 1 mm narrower, oblong-elliptic, 6.5- 21 cm long, 2.5-7 cm wide, gradually acuminate at apex, acute to narrowly rounded or weakly cordulate at base, thin, dark green, matte and subvelvety above, slightly paler and matte below, drying grayish to olive-green above, yellowish gray-green to yellowish brown below. Major veins sunken above, slightly paler and matte below; major veins raised below. Midrib and primary lateral veins sunken above; midrib prominently raised and slightly paler below, drying brownish; primary lateral veins 9-13 pairs, arising at 50-60º angle, weakly arcuate to margin, ± pleated-raised below, drying slightly paler than the surface. Minor veins fine, distinct. Inflorescence 1 per axil. INFLORESCENCES: Peduncle 1.5-2 cm long, less than 3 mm diam. when dried. Spathe 7-8 cm long, 7-15 mm diam., weakly constricted just above the tube, the tube 1.5-1.7 cm diam. Spadix 6.5-8 cm long, the pistillate part 2.2 cm long, 6 mm diam.; staminate portion to 3.2 cm long, < 3 mm diam. on drying throughout. Infructescence 2.5-3.5 cm long, drying 10-15 cm diam.