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Philodendron fibrillosum Poepp.
Stem scandent, internodes 4-5 cm long. LEAVES: Petiole terete, apex thickened, subgeniculate, 15-18 cm long. Blade thinly membranous, rather glossy above, elliptic subequally narrowed on both sides, apex excurrent in a very narrow, long acumen, up to 40 cm long, 18 cm wide; midrib robust, rigid, swollen below, and convex above, obtusely angled and primary lateral veins 12-15 erect-spreading, percurrent. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle 20-30 cm long. Spathe dirty greenish-white, base purple, subcylindric, 6-8 cm long. Spadix subequal to the spathe; female zone 2-4 cm long, ca. 1.5 cm thick, male zone subequal in length to the female zone; somewhat more slender, narrowing at both ends. Pistills obovoid, 5-locular, barely 1.5 mm long, stigma subsessile, small.