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Philodendron fragrantissimum (Hook.) G.Don
Hemiepiphytic; acaulescent or caulescent, stem appressed-climbing or rarely scandent with slender, whip-like branches bearing small leaves, to 1--6 m long, sap orangish to brownish, sticky, spicy-scented; internodes short, 1--4 cm diam., usually thicker than long, dark green, semiglossy, obscured by cataphyll fibers, roots often many per node, drying dark brown, 2--3 mm diam.; cataphylls sharply 2-ribbed or sharply D-shaped, greenish white, sometimes drying reddish brown, persisting as persistent fibers, margins weakly upturned below. LEAVES erect-spreading; petioles 22--70 cm long, 4--11 mm diam., more or less D-shaped to sharply C-shaped, broadly sulcate adaxially; blades ovate to ovate-triangular, subcoriaceous, moderately bicolorous, acuminate at apex (the acumen sometimes inrolled or very short apiculate, 2--5 mm long), cordate at base, 21.6--59 cm long, 17--37.5 cm wide (1.1--1.7 times longer than wide), (0.7--1.3 times longer than petiole), about equal in length to petiole, upper surface semiglossy, lower surface semiglossy; anterior lobe 19.5--49 cm long, 17--39 cm wide, (2.1--3.9 times longer than posterior lobes); posterior lobes 5--16.5 cm long, 10--18.3 cm wide, obtuse to rounded; midrib broadly sunken, paler than surface above, convex, bluntly angular, paler than surface below; basal veins (3)4(5) per side, with (0)1(2) free to base, 1--2 coalesced 1--4 cm; posterior rib not naked or naked 1--4 cm along the sinus; primary lateral veins 3--6 per side, etched-sunken above, convex below; interprimary veins visible and discontinuous above; minor veins visible and darker than surface below, arising from both the midrib and primary lateral veins. INFLORESCENCES erect to semi-erect, 2 per axil; peduncle 3--13.5(17) cm long, 3--15 mm diam.; spathe 8.5--19 cm long, (1.2--3.6 times longer than peduncle); spathe blade white to greenish, rarely reddish outside, white to greenish inside; spathe tube reddish to dark maroon outside, red to maroon inside; spadix stipitate 3--4 mm long; cylindrical, 9--16 cm long, more or less uniform throughout; pistillate portion cylindrical, 2.5--5 cm long, 1.4 cm diam. throughout, 1.6 diam. at apex, 1.8 cm diam. at middle, 1.5 cm wide at base; staminate portion 6.3--7.8 cm long; fertile staminate portion creamy white, cylindrical, to 1.3 cm diam. at base, 1.4 cm diam. at middle, 1 cm diam. ca. 1 cm from apex, broadest in the middle and as broad as the pistillate and sterile portions; sterile staminate portion as broad as or broader than the pistillate portion, 1.2--1.5 cm diam.; pistils 3.2--3.5 mm long, 2.1--2.9 mm diam.; ovary 6--10-locular, with axile placentation; locules 1.6--2.3 mm long; ovules (24)32-36 per locule, 2-seriate, 0.2--0.3 mm long, more or less equal in length to funicle; funicle 0.2--0.3 mm long, style similar to style type D; stylar canals emerging into conspicuous depressions; style apex slightly concave to flat; stigma subdiscoid, (brush-like), unlobed, 2.1--2.7 mm diam., 0.5--0.7 mm high, covering entire style apex, inserted on entire style apex; the androecium 4--6-sided; thecae slightly obovate, 0.2--0.4 mm wide; sterile staminate flowers ellipsoidal to globose, 2.2--3 mm long. INFRUCTESCENCE with stipe of spadix maroon; berries usually bright red to purple-red, sometimes orange, rarely yellowish white (McPherson 14496) to white (McPherson 11380).