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Philodendron fraternum Schott
Stem in the upper part almost 8 mm thick. LEAVES: Petiole slender, 30-35 cm long, base with a rather broad, short sheath; blade thinly coriaceous, cordate-oblong or cordate-ovate-oblong, apex acuminate for 1.4-1.8 cm, 20-26 cm long, almost 15 cm wide, posterior lobes semiovate separated by a deep, subtriangular sinus, 4 times shorter than the anterior lobe, 3-4 basal lateral veins shortly joined into a posterior rib, 4-5 from the midrib, usually spreading at an obtuse angle from the midrib, remote, ascending strongly arcuately towards the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncles 2-3, ca. 3 cm long. Spathe narrow, 6-7 cm long purplish; tube oblong, blade subequally as long as tube, narrowly oblong, apex shortly apiculate. Spadix oblique sessile, narrowly cylindroid, obtuse, almost 7 cm long, 7-8 mm thick, female zone 4 cm long, male zone equally long or somewhat shorter, equally thick. Pistil oblong, 5-locular, ca. 1 mm long, stigma small, orbicular barely raised. Male flowers usually triandrous.