Philodendron graveolens (Araceae)
Stem up to 3 m high, scandent, internodes elongate up to 15 cm long, 1.5 cm thick. LEAVES: Petiole terete, 10-16 cm long, 5-6 mm thick, broadly sheathed beyond halfway, with lanceolate cataphylls at the base; Blade rather thick, coriaceous, bright ('laete') green oblong-ovate, apex shortly acuminate, base rounded, 24-27 cm long, 10-16 cm wide, 7-8 primary veins, middle and upper ones remote from each other, lower ones close together, emerging from the rather thick midrib at an obtuse angle. INFLORESCENCE: Several slender peduncles 4-5 cm long. Spathe white, lanceolate, slightly constricted halfway, ca. 5 cm long, tube narrow, ca. 2 cm long. Spadix strong-smelling, slender, subequal to the spathe; female zone almost 1 1/2 times longer than the male zone, 4 mm thick, male zone conoid, 3 cm long. Pistil depressed 4-locular, 1 mm long and almost equally wide, ovules solitary in locules, affixed basally, funicle short. Male flowers 2-3-androus, somewhat shorter than wide.