Philodendron gualeanum (Araceae)
Stem covered with numerous dense transverse squamiform verrucae, internodes 3-4 cm long, 2-2.5 cm thick. Cataphylls large with many squamules. LEAF petioles subterete, emarginate, 20-25 cm long, covered with very numerous transverse squamules towards the top, spreading or deflexed. Blade thinly coriaceous, rounded-cordate-ovate, 20-30 cm long and almost equally wide, posterior lobes semiovate, introrse, sometimes overlapping, 6-7 cm long, anterior lobes ca. two times as along as posterior lobes, primary lateral veins 9-10 radiating from the base on both sides, 3-4 ascending from the midrib, strongly prominent below. Secondary lateral veins and slender veinlets between veins transverse, prominulous. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle slender 15-18 cm long. Spathe lanceolate, covered with dense emergences chiefly dorsally, as the petiole and peduncle. Tube 6-7 cm long, blade apex shortly acuminate, slightly longer than the tube. Spadix subsessile, female inflorescence cylindric, 5-6 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm thick, male part elongate-claviform, apex moderately acute, almost 1.5 times longer than female part, somewhat slender. Pistils oblong-ovoid, 2 mm long, stigma broad suborbicula caronate, 4-6-locular, locules multi-ovulate. Male flowers 3-4-androus.