Philodendron jacquinii (Araceae)
Hemiepiphytic vine; stem scandent, green to gray-brown, glossy, setose-pubescent; leaf scars conspicuous, 1 cm long, 1 cm wide; internodes elongate, 6--25 cm long, 0.8--1.5 cm diam., longer than broad, brownish gray, semiglossy, weakly asperous, epidermis paper-thin, sometimes peeling with age, drying gray-green to yellowish green, matte, sometimes almost blackened, larger stems drying yellow-brown and finely ridged; roots few per node, short, ca. 1 mm diam., light brown, sparsely scaly; cataphylls unribbed, semiglossy, 6--10 cm long, light green, translucent, drying cream-colored, deciduous intact; petioles 7.5--44.5 cm long, 5--10 mm diam., subterete, medium green, weakly glossy, narrowly and obtusely sulcate adaxially, surface setose-pubescent, often puberulous; blades broadly ovate-cordate, thin, chartaceous, acute to shortly acuminate, sometimes mucronate at apex (the acumen sometimes apiculate, 1--3 mm long), cordate at base, (10.5)11.5--39 cm long, 7.5--28 cm wide (0.99--1.8 times longer than wide), (0.6--1.85 times longer than petiole), usually about equal in length to petiole, broadest near point of petiole attachment, upper surface dark green, matte to subvelvety to weakly glossy, lower surface moderately paler, weakly glossy to almost matte, moderately paler; anterior lobe 8.3--27 cm long, 9--28 cm wide (1.6--3.4 times longer than posterior lobes); posterior lobes more or less rounded, 3--13.5 cm long, 3.4--13.6 cm wide, directed inward at maturity, rounded or obtuse; sinus more or less narrowly parabolic; midrib broadly convex, concolorous above, broadly convex to round-raised, often setose-pubescent near base, slightly paler below; basal veins 3--6 per side, with 0--1 free to base, 1--2 coalesced 0.5--2.5 cm; posterior rib not naked or briefly naked for 0.5 cm (rarely to 1.5 cm); primary lateral veins 2--3(4-5) per side, departing midrib at a 45--55º angle, more or less straight to the margins, prominently impressed to weakly convex above, convex to round-raised below; minor veins arising from both the midrib and primary lateral veins; tertiary veins obscurely visible to raised and conspicuous, darker than surface below. INFLORESCENCES erect, 1 per axil; peduncle (2)4--15 cm long, (2)3--6(7--13) mm diam., green, dark-striate, glabrous; spathe 10--16.5 cm long, (0.96--2.3(2.7--3) times longer than peduncle); spathe blade green outside, red inside; spathe tube inflated bulbous, green outside, 4 cm long, white or green inside; spadix sessile; 8--13 cm long, narrowly rounded at apex; pistillate portion 3--3.5 cm long, 3.5 cm long in front, 3 cm long in back, 3.5 cm diam. throughout; staminate portion 9.2 cm long; fertile staminate portion 1.5--1.6 cm diam. at base, 1.1 cm diam. at middle, 1 cm diam. ca. 1 cm from apex; sterile staminate portion narrower than the pistillate portion, 1.2--1.5 cm diam.; pistils 6.5--7.2 mm long, 2 mm diam.; ovary 4-locular, locules ca. 1.3 mm long, ca. 0.6 mm diam., with sub-basal placentation; ovules 2 per locule, contained within transparent, gelatinous matrix (no true envelope), 0.6--1 mm long, as long as or longer than funicle; funicle 0.4 mm long, (can be pulled free to base), style similar to style type B; style apex quite rounded; styles usually elongated to 5 mm long, sometimes essentially sessile; stigma hemispheroid to sometimes somewhat globular, lobed, 3.3 mm diam., 1.5 mm high, covering entire style apex; the androecium truncate, prismatic, some oblong, margins irregularly 4--6-sided, 1--1.7 mm long; thecae oblong, 0.5 mm wide, more or less contiguous; sterile staminate flowers irregularly 4--5-sided, 2.2 mm wide. INFRUCTESCENCE usually pendent, often from leafless stems; peduncle 7--15 cm long, recurved; spathe falling free; spadix (2.5)5--9(14) cm long, (1.5)2.5--7 cm wide; berries greenish when immature, pale orange to red to reddish orange when mature, irregular, 1 cm long, 5 mm diam.; seeds 4--6 per berry, white, ovoid, 4 mm long, 3--4 mm diam., moderately sticky. JUVENILE plants with petioles margins vaginate-winged almost to one-half their length; blades narrow ovate-cordate.
Ranges from Mexico to Panama on both slopes of the Continental Divide to northern Colombia, Venezuela, and the Guianas, as well as western Cuba and the Cayman Islands.
Mostly in Tropical moist forest but also in Tropical dry forest, Premontane moist forest, and Premontane wet forest life zones.