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Philodendron jefense Croat
Hemiepiphytic; stem appressed-climbing; internodes short, to 3 cm diam.; roots moderately few per node, drying to 3 mm diam., sharply ridged, brown; cataphylls 20--24 cm long, sharply 2-ribbed, persisting, promptly weathering to light brown, semi-organized fibers with small, thin fragments of epidermis persisting; LEAVES: petioles 38--76 cm long, 4 mm diam., terete, drying black; blades broadly ovate, short acuminate at base, cordate at base, 39--54 cm long, (22.5)34--49 cm wide (0.8--1.4 times longer than wide), (0.5--0.6 times the petiole length), about one-half as long as the petiole, margins sinuate, upper surface glossy, drying gray-green, drying semiglossy, lower surface glossy, drying minutely granular; anterior lobe 22--25 cm long, 24.5--29.7 cm wide (1.8--2 times longer than posterior lobes); posterior lobes 12--14 cm long, 12.2--13.2 cm wide, obtuse; midrib drying darker than surface above; basal veins 5 pairs per side, first and second free to base, the remainder coalesced 3--6 cm; posterior rib naked to 3--3.5 cm long; primary lateral veins 5--6 per side, departing midrib at a 35--45º angle; minor veins frequently branched, arising from both the midrib and primary lateral veins, minute pustules visible between veins on both surfaces; "cross-veins" many. INFLORESCENCES 1 per axil; peduncle 10--13 cm long, 4--5 mm diam., terete, black-drying; spathe 9.5--14 cm long, (ca. 1 time longer than peduncle), green throughout, drying with large white flecks; spathe blade 6 cm long; spathe tube 6 cm long; pistillate portion 5 cm long; spadix to 11 cm long; staminate portion 5.5--6 cm long, 7--10 mm diam.; fertile staminate portion to 1 cm diam.; sterile staminate portion 7 mm diam.; pistils 3.9 mm long; ovary (6)7--8-locular, locules 3.2 mm long, 0.4--0.5 mm diam., with axile placentation; ovules 2-seriate; funicle 0.3--0.4 mm long, adnate to lower part of partition, style similar to style type D; style apex flat; style boss small. INFRUCTESCENCE with berries white (immature); seeds 6 per locule, 1--1.1 mm long, 0.2--0.3 mm diam., translucent.