Philodendron juninense (Araceae)
Stem scandent, internodes 2-3 cm long, 1-1.2 cm thick. Cataphyll soon destroyed, breaking down into slender fibres. LEAVES: Petiole slender, subsulcate on the upper surface, somewhat thickened at the apex, subgeniculate. 7-10 cm long, narrowly sheathed; Blade membranous, lanceolate or narrowly acute, 28-35 cm long, barely more than 10 cm wide, 7-8 primary veins on each side, rather distinctly prominent especially on the underside, ascending arcuately towards the margin, secondary lateral veins prominulous between the primary veins. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncles 3-4, slender, terete, 4-6 cm long. Spathe white oblong, minutely apiculate, slightly constricted halfway, measuring 4-5 cm. Spadix narrowly cylindric, obtuse, somewhat shorter than spathe, 5-7 mm thick; female zone somewhat shorter than male zone, equally thick. Pistil ovoid, trilocular, stigma thick, broadly discoid, locules with several ovules, ovules usually triseriate.
Peru: Junín.