Anthurium acutifolium Engl.
Terrestrial or rarely epiphytic; roots numerous, thick, velutinous; cataphylls persisting as fibrous network, subcoriaceous, 6-10 cm long, acuminate at apex (the acumen apiculate), drying dark tan (B & K Yellow 5/5). LEAVES erect to spreading; petioles (2)6-22 cm long, (3)6-9 mm diam., flattened to broadly sulcate adaxially, sharply 3-ribbed abaxially; blades epunctate, ob-lanceolate to broadly oblanceolate, gradually acuminate at apex, long attenuate at base, (11)25-62 cm long, (3.5)5.5-27 cm wide, broadest at middle; midrib raised above and below, paler than surface, sometimes yellow; primary lateral veins 8-12 per side, departing the midrib at 40°-45° angle; collective vein arising from the third to fifth primary lateral vein, 3-5 mm from the margin. INFLORESCENCE erect, usually shorter than leaves; peduncle 24-53 cm long, 3-5 mm diam., much longer than petioles; spathe green, linear-lanceolate, 5-12 cm long, 0.7-1.1 cm wide; spadix sessile, green to white, sometimes tinged with red-violet, 7-16 cm long, 6-8 mm diam. at base, 3-4 mm diam. at apex; flowers square to rhombic, ca. 2 mm in both directions, the sides ± straight; 5-6 flowers visible in the principal spiral, 5-7 flowers visible in the alternate spiral; lateral tepals 0.5 mm wide, the inner margins turned up. INFRUCTESCENCE with greenish-yellow, obovoid berries often not developing in apical one quarter to one half of spadix.