Philodendron longipes (Araceae)
Stem scandent up to 1 m long, leaves dense towards the apex, upper internodes short. LEAVES: Petiole thick, semiterete, 14-17 cm long, broadly canaliculate on the upper surface, broadly sheathed more than halfway; blade thick, sub-coriaceous, yellowish-green, oblong or oblong-elliptic, sub-equally narrowed at both ends, apex thinly oblique acuminate, base contracted to the petiole, 28-32 cm long, 10-12 cm wide, lateral veins dense, all equal, ascending at an angle from the midrib. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle slender, usually in pairs, 30-35 cm long, with ca. 10 cm long cataphyll at the base. Spathe 6-9 cm long, narrowly convolute, slightly constricted halfway, apex minutely apiculate, convolute part barely 1 cm in diameter, expanded part up to 3.5 cm wide, whitish. Spadix slender, 6-9 cm long; female zone 5 mm thick, almost 2 times shorter than the male zone; male zone thinly cylindric, obtuse, ca. 4 mm thick. Pistil depressed, stigma small, orbicular, 4-locular. Male flowers 2-3-androus.
Colombia, Cauca.