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Philodendron martianum Engl.
Stem short, very thick, procumbent. LEAVES dense; petioles patent, up to 40 cm long, swollen, semi-terete, almost 3 cm tall, 2-2.5 cm at the base, 4.5-4 cm at halfway, barely 2-2.5 cm thick at the apex, deeply excavated halfway on the upper surface, basal sheath almost 10 cm long, strongly concave, margins bent inwards towards each other and covering over the hollow. Blade thickly coriaceous, glossy on the upper side, lanceolate or lanceolate-oblong, apex shortly acuminate, base obtuse or sub-truncate, 35-65 cm long, 14-20 cm wide; midrib semiterete, 1.5-2 cm thick at the base, soon disappearing towards the apex, and primary lateral veins slender, 6-10, ascending, joined near the cartilaginous margin barely thicker than secondary and tertiary veins. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle terete, 8-10 cm long, 1 cm thick. Spathe thickly coriaceous, boat-shaped, cuspidulate, 12-15 cm long, 4-5 cm wide, lower half externally green, internally from the base bright ('laete') purple green or yellow-green, above halfway whitish on both sides. Spadix: female zone 5-6 cm long, sterile male zone 2.5-3 cm long, fertile zone 6-7 cm long, 1 cm thick, long-cylindroid, obtuse. Pistils ovoid, 2 mm long, 7-8-locular, locules usually 4-ovulate. INFRUCTESCENCE: Berries dirty yellow. Seeds elliptic, dirty yellowish, striate.