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Philodendron modestum Schott
Stem with slender internodes, lower ones up to 30 cm long, 1 cm thick, upper ones shorter. Cataphylls soon deciduous. LEAVES: Petiole 30-40 cm long, almost 1 cm thick at the base, attenuating upwards, somewhat flattened on the upper side. Blade thin, sub-triangular-oblong, 20-26 cm long, 16-18 cm wide, posterior lobes semi-orbicular, or semi-ovate, separated by an open sinus, 4-6 cm long, 6-8 cm wide; anterior lobe almost 4 times longer than posterior lobes, apex shortly cuspidulate, midrib rather thick, 3-4 basal primary lateral veins joined into a short posterior rib, which is not at all denuded, 6-7 costal veins erect-spreading, arcuate upwards near the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle 4-5 cm long. Spathe tube green, ovoid, 4-5 cm long, blade white, ovate, obtuse, somewhat longer than the tube. Spadix sub-sessile; female zone cylindroid, 3 cm long, 8 mm thick; male zone curved forward, pale yellow, 5-6 cm long, 1 cm thick at the base, somewhat attenuating upwards. Pistils oblong 7-10 locular, locules usually 4-ovulate..