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Philodendron radiatum Schott
Epiphytic or hemiepiphytic, rarely terrestrial; stem appressed-climbing, creeping if terrestrial, sap clear to orange, watery, sticky, leaf scars conspicuous, 2--4(7.5) cm long, 2.5--6(7) cm wide; internodes thick, 3--7(12) cm long, (1)3--8 cm diam., about as long as broad or longer than broad, dark green to gray-green, sometimes scurfy and light brownish tan, transverally lined (raised 2 mm); roots 4 mm diam., with swollen nodes and branched tips; cataphylls to 38 cm long, soft, bluntly to sharply 2-ribbed, rarely unribbed, green, sometimes conspicuously reddish lineate, deciduous. LEAVES: Petioles 283--108 cm long, (2-3)4--17 mm diam., terete or subterete to obtusely flattened adaxially, dark green, surface dark greenish or to greenish red-lineate; sheath persisting, sometimes moderately spongy; blades more or less triangular-ovate in outline, (15)27--101 cm long, (11)25--90 cm wide (ca. 0.8--2.1 times longer than wide) (0.5--1.7 times longer than petiole), broadest at point of petiole attachment, thinly coriaceous, weakly to moderately bicolorous, semiglossy, acuminate to long-acuminate at apex, upper surface dark green, lower surface slightly paler, usually drying yellow-brown to reddish brown on both surfaces; margins weakly incised-lobate to usually deeply incised-lobate to within 1--8 cm of midrib, rarely entire and sagittate; apex often acute, sometimes acuminate, very short acuminate or more or less rounded (the acumen tightly inrolled if present, 1--8 mm long), lobed-cordate at base; basal segments pinnatifid, lateral segments entire, sinnuate or the lowermost of the anterior lobe pinnately-lobed with 1--2 lobes on each side, final divisions linear-lanceolate in shape (0.9--2.1 times longer than wide), segment apex obtuse to broadly obtuse; interlobal sinuses 0.7--0.97 the length of the lobes; basal sinus hippocrepiform to obovate or closed, 3--15 cm deep; midrib slightly raised to convex, weakly reddish green-lineate, concolorous to paler than surface above, convex to prominently raised to round-raised below; basal veins 4--5(8) per side, directed into the segments of the posterior lobe, 0--1 free to base, (1)2--4 coalesced to 3 cm long, naked 1--6 cm; posterior rib absent; primary lateral veins 3--8 per side, departing midrib at a 50--60º angle, straight to margin, weakly raised above, raised to convex and paler than surface below; minor veins moderately visible, paler and slightly raised below, arising from both the midrib and primary lateral veins. INFLORESCENCES erect, 1--3(4) per axil; peduncle 2--12 cm long, (3)5--10(19) mm diam.; spathe erect, 11--25 cm long (1.3--6.3 times longer than peduncle), obscurely striate, margins paler; spathe blade cuspidate at apex, pale green to yellowish green, semiglossy, sparsely purplish dotted outside, pink to dull red or pale brownish (post anthesis) inside; spathe tube dark purple-violet or dark green, sometimes tinged purple-violet outside, 4 cm diam., dark purple-violet inside; spadix sessile to weakly stipitate, cylindrical to weakly tapered; staminate portion creamy white, protruding forward at anthesis, pointed at apex, 10--17 cm long; pistillate portion whitish, weakly obovoid, 3.5--5.2 cm long (1 cm shorter on back side), 1.1--1.8 mm diam. at apex, 1.5--1.9 mm diam. at middle, (7)17 mm wide at base; staminate portion 6.3--8.1 cm long; fertile staminate portion tapered, 1--1.9 cm diam. at base, 1.2--1.6 cm diam. at middle, 0.9--1.4 cm diam. ca. 1 cm from apex, broadest at the base, slightly constricted above the base; sterile staminate portion as or slightly broader than the pistillate portion, white with tan ring around apex, 0.7--2 cm diam.; pistils (1.6)4--5(8) mm long, (1)2.8--3.2(5.2) mm diam.; ovary (7)8-locular, (1.6)3.3--4(6.7) mm long, 1.5--3(5.2) mm diam., with axile or sub-basal placentation; locules (0.6)1.9--3.4(6.5) mm long, 0.5--0.8(1) mm diam.; ovule sac 1.8(3.5) mm long; ovules 8 per locule, 1--2-seriate, contained within translucent, gelatinous ovule sac, 0.1--0.3 mm long, longer than funicle; funicle 0.1--0.2 mm long, style 0.3--0.5 mm long, 1.2--3 mm diam., similar to style type B (rarely C); style apex flat to weakly rounded, somtimes domed; stigma usually hemispheroid, sometimes subdiscoid, pink, 1.2--1.5 mm diam., 0.6--0.7 mm high, covering entire style apex; the androecium truncate, oblong, prismatic, margins irregularly 3--5-sided, sometimes weakly scalloped, 1 mm long, (0.7)2.5--2.7 mm diam. at apex; thecae cylindrical, 0.3 mm wide, more or less parallel to one another and contiguous; sterile staminate flowers usually truncate, sometimes clavate or irregularly 5--6-sided, 1.1--2.9 mm long, 0.6--1.8 mm wide. INFRUCTESCENCE 11--17 cm long, 4.5 cm diam.; pistillate spadix 6--8 cm long, 2.5--3.5 cm diam.; berries white, somewhat translucent, 4 per locule, oblong, sticky.