Anthurium antonioanum (Araceae)
Epiphyte; stems 30-150 cm long, 3.5-8 cm diam., internodes short, leaf scars conspicuous; roots to 8 mm diam., cataphylls subcoriaceous, 15-25 cm long, drying dark reddish brown, weathering to coarse, reticulate fibers. LEAVES with petioles erect-spreading, 55.5-95 cm long, 1-1.5 cm diam., terete to subterete; geniculum 3-4.5 cm long, markedly thicker than petiole, narrowly sulcate; blades subcoriaceous, broadly ovate, acuminate at apex, deeply lobed at base, 48-92 cm long, 32-68 cm wide, broadest at point of petiole attachment, the margins conspicuously undulate; anterior lobe 38-64 cm long, the margins rounded, posterior lobes 15-28 cm long (from apex of sinus to outermost point); sinus broadly hippocrepiform, rounded at apex; both surfaces semiglossy, the lower surface much paler; midrib raised above and below (dry); basal veins 6-8 pairs, the first sometimes free to the base, those remaining coalesced 2-15 cm, paler than surface above, raised above and below (dry), posterior rib naked, the outer margin turned up; primary lateral veins 4-6 per side, departing midrib at 40-45° angle, weakly arching near collective vein, raised above and below (dry), lesser veins conspicuous on drying; collective vein arising from the first or second basal vein, sometimes from one of the primary lateral veins near the middle of the blade. INFLORESCENCE spreading, shorter than leaves; peduncle 11-15 cm long, 4-7 mm diam., terete; spathe moderately thick, green tinged red-violet, ovate, 15-19 cm long, 3-7.5 cm wide, broadest just above base, held erect, sometimes hooding spadix, cuspidate at apex, acute at base; stipe ca. 1.5 cm long, spadix red-violet to violet purple, 7-17 cm long, 1.8-2.5 cm diam. near base, 8-11 mm diam. near apex; flowers rhombic, 1.5-2 mm in both directions, the sides jaggedly sigmoid, 9-12 flowers visible in the principal spiral, 11-13 flowers visible in the alternate spiral; tepals matte, lateral tepals 0.7-0.9 mm wide, the inner margin more or less straight (dry); pistils emergent, green; stamens emerging scattered throughout length, prominently exserted; anthers yellow-brown, held over pistil; pollen yellow. INFRUCTESCENCE not seen.
Known from Panama in Chiriquí along the Fortuna Dam Road, in Darien on Cerro Pirre and Bocas del Toro; Costa Rica in Limon. It is also expected in Colombia on the Serrania de Pirre.
Premontane rain and lower montane rain forest life zones.