Philodendron tatei subsp. melanochlorum (Araceae)
Scandent herb up to 3 m long, leafy throughout. Stem thick, internodes abbreviated, hidden by ferruginous cataphyll remains. New cataphyll 21 cm long, soon drying, persistent, slowly breaking up. LEAVES: Petiole subterete, ventrally rather broadly canaliculate, sheathed for 4-5 cm in the lower part. Leaf blade up to 40 cm long and 18 cm wide, thickly coriaceous, conspicuously veined, flat, ovate, obtuse or subtruncate at the base, obtuse at the apex with an acumen up to 4 cm long, glossy on both surfaces, with greenish-pink margins (0.1-0.15 cm); adaxially dark green, midrib convex, primary lateral veins deeply sulcate; secondary, tertiary and quaternary veins sulcate, all parallel, emerging at an angle of 60º-70º, arcuate to the margin; abaxially pale green, subtly dark-punctate, midrib robust. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle very short (only one seen in specimen). Spathe 8 cm long, 2 cm thick below, tube pale green externally, internally dark magenta, blade externally and internally whitish. Spadix subequal to the spathe, stipitate, stipe 0.5-0.6 cm long. Pistillate flowers oblong when seen from the side, 4-angled, 0.3 cm long and 0.1 cm thick, style 0.2 cm long. Ovary 0.1 cm long and 3-locular, ovules axile, ca. 8 in each locule.