Anthurium atroviride Sodiro
Stem 2-2.5 cm thick; internodes very short; cataphylls broadly lanceolate, obtuse and apiculate at apex, cartilaginous, persisting for a long time, 10-12 cm long, about half as long as petioles. LEAVES: Petiole almost contiguous and briefly sheathed at base, erect, rigid, 1.5-2.5 dm [15 - 25 cm] long, deeply sulcate adaxially, geniculum 2-2.5 cm long, scarcely thickened; blade coriaceous, 2.5-3 dm [25 - 30 cm] long, 8-15 cm wide, equalling or longer than petioles, deeply green on both surfaces, blackish glandular-dotted on both sides, ovate or oblong, more or less asymmetrical, (about twice as long as wide?), blunt at the apex, acute and somewhat decurrent at base, 5-veined, with 2 inner pairs of basal veins extending to the apex, the 2 intermediate pairs merging not very much below the apex of the blade, with the outermost pair very slender, extending to apex very near the margin; primary lateral veins slender, spreading at an angle of about 45 degrees, somewhat parallel, alternating with the not very slender interprimary veins. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle shorter and thinner than petiole, erect, angular; spathe thickly herbaceous, drying coriaceous, oblong-ligulate (strap-shaped), acute, deeply green; spadix briefly stipitate, (stipe slender) shorter than spathe, cylindrical, erect, obtuse at apex (in the specimen at hand, almost atrophied).