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Philodendron yutajense G.S.Bunting
Herb. Stem ca. 3 cm in diameter, but clothed with a thick layer of adventitious roots and cataphyll remains, internodes very short. Cataphyll 20-25 cm long. LEAVES: Petiole abaxially rounded, adaxially more or less flat, margins well differentiated, 68-76 cm long. Leaf blade equal in length to 0.74-0.85 portion of the petiole, reflexed, semi-coriaceous, more or less triangular in outline, 50.5-59.5 cm long, 30.5-ca. 34 cm wide (more or less one and a half times longer than wide), very wide between the apices of the lobes, acuminate at the apex, posterior lobes obtuse, rounded on the inside, separated by a broadly campaniform or sub-mitriform sinus, which is 15-18 cm deep and 9.5 cm wide; primary lateral veins ca. 5-7, emerging from the midrib at an angle of ca. 55-60º; posterior ribs naked for 5.5-6 cm in the sinus. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle solitary, ca. 11 cm long. Spathe rather thick, 12 cm long, tube 6 cm long at the front, 4 cm at the back. Spadix 8.5 cm long, female zone ca. 2.5 cm long, sterile male zone not differentiated. Pistillate flowers: ovary 6-7-locular, locules 4-6-ovulate, ovules all longitudinally affixed along the placenta.