Arisaema enneaphyllum Hochst. ex A.Rich.
Herb to 120cm tall. Tuber subglobose, up to 8cm diam. LEAVES usually 2. Petioles with basal sheaths imbricate, forming pseudostem to about 75 cm tall, free apical part 7-25 cm long, greeni Leaf blade radiately divided to base, circular in outline, leaflets 5-10 (-12), subequal in size, lanceolate, elliptic or oblanceolate, acuminate, base cuneate, 7-19 x 1-5-6-5 cm, margins irregularly erose-serrate, sometimes almost entire, teeth rarely long-acuminate and then only irregularly so. INFLORESCENCE overtopping leaves, free part of peduncle 11-24 cm long, green. Spathe 9-24 cm long; tube broadly and shortly cylin-dric, slightly constricted apically, 3-5-7-5 x 2-3-3-5 cm, sometimes fused basally for up to 1-3 cm, outer surface green with obscure white longitudinalstripes; limb ovate, acuminate, often narrowly auriculate at base, longer than tube (sometimes more than twice as long), 6-17 x 2-8-5-8 cm, white on outer surface, inconspicuously white- and green-striped on inner surface near base, often blackish near margin at base, bent forwards over mouth of tube. Spadix bearing flowers of only one sex, 3-8 cm long, subequal to spathe tube; sterile appendix cylindric, conic or clavate, sometimes narrowed at base, 0-3-4 x 0-3-0-6 cm, green; staminate spadix with naked basal stipe 0-4-1 cm long, fertile part cylindric, 1-7-4-5 x 0-4-1-1cm, flowers ± densely congested; pistillate spadix ± sessile, fertile part cylindric to conic, 2-7-3-5 x 1-1-5 cm, flowers densely congested. Staminate flower composed of 2-3 (-4) stamens, anthers dehiscing by subcircular, oblique apical slits. Pistils ovoid, 3-4 mm long green, ovary 2-3 mm diam., tapering with short style. BERRIES subglobose, 5-7 mm diam., 3-5 seeded.