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Arisaema hainanense C.Y.Wu ex H.Li, Y.Shiao & S.Tseng
Rhizome cylindric, ca. 5 × 2–3cm. Leaves 2; petiole dull green, unmarked or mottled with brown-purple, to 50cm, proximal 10–30 cm sheathing into pseudostem; leaf blade pedate, papery; leaflets pale green abaxially, dull green adaxially; central leaflet with petiolule 1–2cm, blade elliptic, 14–16 × 6–8cm, base broadly cuneate, apex abruptly acuminate, sometimes caudate; lateral leaflets subsessile or with petiolule 5–10mm, blade 13–15 × 5–6cm; outermost ones obliquely elliptic, ca. 10 × 3cm. Peduncle green, equaling or longer than petioles by 3–5cm. Spathe tube green, with longitudinal white stripe on back up to base of limb, funnelform, 4–5.2cm, throat obliquely truncate, outcurved for ca. 2mm; limb dark purple with purplish spots, or green with purple reticulation, or totally olive-green, ovate, 4–4.7 × ca. 2.7cm, acuminate and caudate at apex. Spadix bisexual when mature; female zone 2–2.5cm; male zone 1–1.5cm; synandria lax; anthers 1–3, stipitate; thecae oblong, dehiscing by lateral slits; appendix sessile, erect or sometimes recurved at apex, narrowly cylindric or fusiform, 4–5cm × 1.5–2.5mm, proximal 3–4mm covered with many erect filiform neuter flowers 3–4mm. Infructescence 4–5cm. Berries reddish, ovoid, ca. 6 × 4mm.