Arisaema heterophyllum Blume
Plants monoecious and male. Tuber depressed globose, 2–6cm in diam. Cataphylls 4 or 5, membranous. Leaf usually solitary; petiole glaucous, 30–60cm, proximal 3/4 sheathing into pseudostem; leaf blade pedate; leaflets 11–19(–21), shortly petiolulate or sessile, pale greenish abaxially, dull green adaxially, variously shaped, oblanceolate, oblong, or linear-oblong, base cuneate, apex acuminate; central leaflet 3–15 × 0.7–5.8cm, often much shorter than lateral leaflets; first outer leaflets 7.7–24.2(–31) × (0.7–)2–6.5cm, gradually smaller to outermost leaflets, distance between leaflets 0.5–5cm. Peduncle usually longer than petioles, 50–80cm. Spathe tube glaucous outside, whitish green inside, cylindric, 3.2–8 × 1–2.5cm, throat slightly recurved; limb strongly incurved, pale greenish to pale yellow abaxially, deep green adaxially, ovate, 2.5–8 × 4–9cm. Spadix bisexual or male. Bisexual spadix: female zone proximal, 1–2.2cm; ovary globose; style distinct; stigma punctate; ovules 3 or 4; male zone distal, 1.5–3.2cm; synandria lax; occasionally with echinate neuter flowers. Male spadix: male zone 3–5cm × 3–5mm; synandria stalked, consisting of 2 or 3 anthers, each with 2 thecae dehiscing by apical slits. Appendix ascending, sigmoid, pale whitish, gradually tapering from sessile base to very acute apex, ca. 20 cm, 5–11mm in diam. at base. Berries yellowish red or red, cylindric, ca. 5mm. Seed usually 1, clavate.