Arisaema mildbraedii (Araceae)
Herb to 1.2 m tall. Tuber subglobose, about 5 cm diam. LEAVES 1-2. Petioles with basal sheaths imbricate, forming green, crimson-speckled pseudostem to about 45cm tall, free apical part (5-) 17-40 cm long. Leaf blade usually laxly pedate, rarely compactly pedate, reniform in outline, leaflet bases (0-3-)0-7-2-2cm apart; leaflets (4)6-8, elliptic-oblanceolate, long-acuminate with filiform tips up to 8cm long, (5-)8-5-32 x (l-2-)3-l 1 cm, outermost smaller than the rest, margins entire or obscurely crisped. INFLORESCENCE ± equalling or overtopping leaves, free part of peduncle 6-30 cm long, green. Spathe 7-23 cm long; tube cylindric to obconic, not constricted apically, 3-9-5 x 1-3-3 cm, outer surface green with cream-yellow to white stripes; limb ovate, long-acuminate, arching forward and downward over tube mouth, 4-16-5 x 2-4-7(-6) cm, much longer than tube with filamentous tip 2-7 cm long, similar in colour to tube but with broader stripes basally. Spadix normally unisexual, 5-10(-l1) cm long, overtopping spa the tube; sterile appendix cylindric to clavate, subtruncate basally, usually ± stipitate, 3-6 x 0-2-0-9(-l-2) cm, apex rounded, green; staminate spadix with fertile part 3-5-4-5 x 0-3-0-5 cm, rarely with sterile projections at appendix base; pistillate spadix with fertile part 2-2-5 (-5-5) x 0-9-1-3 cm, usually with sterile projections at appendix base. Staminate flower composed of 2-3 stamens. Pistil ovoid, 3-4 mm long, ovary 2-3 mm diam., narrowing upwards into a short style, stigma capitate. BERRIES subglobose, up to 1 cm diam., 1-3 seeded, borne in sub-cylindric spike up to 9-5 x 4cm; seeds subglobose, 6 mm diam.
Reniform. Leaflets usually with long filiform tips; spathe tube 4-8.5 cm long; spadix 4-10cm long.
East tropical Africa to Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.