Anthurium barbacoasense Engl.
Caudex (very probably) abbreviated. LEAVES: Petiole twice as short as blade, sheath ca. 2.5 cm long, rounded dorsally, above deeply canaliculated, geniculum short. Blade coriaceous, above somewhat glossy, linear-oblong or oblong, rather obtuse, at the base shortly and cuneately narrowed or contracted into a short wedge, 20 - 25 cm long, 4 – 7 cm wide, basal veins 2 on each side, the outermost in the marginal or submarginal part of the basal quarter of the leaf blade, and the other situated at ¼ to 1/5 of the distance between margin and midrib and joining with the many distinctly prominent veins arising from the midrib at ca. 40 deg. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle ca. 25 cm long.Spathe linear-lanceolate ca. 8 cm long, 1 cm wide. Spadix 20 cm long, somewhat attenuated. Tepals 3 – 4 times longer than wide. Ovary ovoid.