Arisaema pingbianense H.Li
Plants monoecious and male. Rhizome prolonged and thin, 10–15 × 1–2cm, nodes swollen and globose. Cataphylls 3, pale green with violet spots, encircling peduncle. Leaves 2, arising at different seasons from different rhizome nodes; petiole green, cylindric, to 20 cm × 3–4mm, base shortly sheathing; leaf blade 3-foliolate, green, membranous; central leaflet with petiolule ca. 1.7cm, blade elliptic, 9–13.5 × 4–5.5cm, base cuneate; lateral leaflets with petiolule 3–6mm, blade obliquely ovate-lanceolate, base oblique, apex acuminate with acumen 1.5–2cm; lateral veins 5–7 on each side, collective vein 1–2mm from margin. Peduncle encircled by cataphyll, green, cylindric, shorter than petioles, ca. 15cm. Spathe tube subcylindric, 4–4.5 × ca. 1cm, throat margins spreading outward; limb green, with a rounded white area ca. 1.5cm in diam. at proximal part, oblong, 3.5–4cm, apex abruptly acuminate with a filiform tip. Spadix bisexual after sex change; proximal female zone congested with female flowers; ovary green, obovoid; distal male zone with sparse male flowers; synandria of 2 or 3 fused stamens; anthers brown to creamy white, globose, dehiscing by 2 apical pores; appendix nearly filiform, ca. 3cm, distal ca. 1cm covered with numerous filiform neuter flowers, brushlike; neuter flowers slightly recurved, brown or green, filiform, 2–3mm.