Anthurium berriozabalense Matuda
Terrestrial on rocky, steep slopes to 0.6 m tall; stems 10 cm long, 1.5-3 cm diam.; leaf scars ca. 1.5 cm wide; roots ca. 5 mm thick, directed downward; cataphylls subcoriaceous, 3-5 cm long, acute at apex, the acumen minutely apiculate, drying light brown (B & K Yellow 4/5), persisting intact at apex, splitting into linear fibers at base. LEAVES erect to spreading; petioles 13-56 cm long, 3-7 mm diam., subterete, weakly flattened adaxially; geniculum 1.5-2 cm long broadly and shallowly sulcate; blades triangular, acuminate at apex, broadly lobed at base, 12-33 cm long, 11-23 cm wide, broadest at base; anterior lobe 9-16 cm long; posterior lobes 12-18 cm long, directed outward; sinus triangular to parabolic to sometimes hippocrepiform; upper surface semiglossy to glossy, lower surface semiglossy, the midrib convexly raised above and below, diminishing at apex above; basal veins 4-5 pairs, the first and sometimes the second free, second to fourth coalesced ca. 1.5 cm, third to fifth coalesced 2.3-4 cm, raised in weak valleys above, raised below; posterior ribs curved, naked, the outer margin upturned; primary lateral veins 4-5 per side, departing midrib at 45°-50° angle, raised or flat above, raised below; collective vein arising from uppermost basal vein (sometimes with lower basal veins loop-connecting to the collective vein), sunken above, raised below, 6-10 mm from margin. INFLORESCENCE spreading to erect, shorter than the leaves; peduncle 16-40 cm long, 2-4 mm diam., terete, sometimes tinged with violet-purple, longer than the petioles; spathe medium thick, green tinged with purple at margins, lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, 4.5-9 cm long, 0.9-2.7 cm wide, broadest at base, acuminate at apex, clasping to truncate or rounded al base, inserted at 45°-60° angle on peduncle; spadix green (B & K Yellow-green 5/7.5), 5-10 cm long, 7-9 mm diam. at base, 2-3 mm diam. At apex; flowers square or rhombic, 3-5 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, the sides ± straight to jaggedly sigmoid; 3-5 flowers visible in either spiral; tepals matte, green, inconspicuously punctate, minutely papillate, tinged with violet at margins, sparse droplets appearing when anthers are open, lateral tepals 1.5-2.5 mm wide, inner margins straight; pistil scarcely emergent, green, densely purple spotted; the stigma oblong, shallow, green, 0.8-1 mm long, opening with minutely exserted papillae, small droplets apparent for 7-10 days, dry and black for 2 or 3 days before first stamens emerge; stamens emerging ± rapidly from the base, the second, third, and fourth stamens emerging soon after leading stamen; anthers brown, held on short filaments that quickly retract, anthers held al edge of pistil but not contiguous; thecae ellipsoid, divaricate; pollen yellow, fading to white. INFRUCTESCENCE pendent; spathe withered; spadix to 10 cm long, 20 mm diam.; berries orange (B & K Yellow-red 7/5), broadly obovoid, round at apex with a conspicuous indentation, 8-11 mm long, 7-10 mm wide; pericarp transparent, somewhat thickened, lacking raphide cells; mesocarp fleshy, juicy, with numerous raphide cells; seeds 1 or 2, flattened on one side if 2, ellipsoid in cross-section if only one, pale green, 6-8 mm long, 4.5-5(9) mm wide, 3.2-3.5(6.5) mm thick.