Arisaema ruwenzoricum (Araceae)
Herb to 120cm tall. Tuber depressed-globose, 2-6 cm diam. LEAVES usually 2. Petioles with basal sheaths imbricate forming green, purplish- or red-mottled pseudostem up to 100 cm tall, free apical part 8-23 cm long. Leaf blade subcircular to reniform in outline, compound, radiate to ± compactly pedate, divided to base, leaflet bases up to 0-7 cm apart; leaflets 5-7 (-9), central 1-3 the largest, lateral leaflets decreasing in size outwards, elliptic to obovate, acuminate, base unequally cuneate, largest 8-26 x 2-5-10-5 cm, margins entire or crisped, rarely obscurely serrate-dentate. INFLORESCENCE ± equalling or overtopping leaves, free part of peduncle 14-26 cm long, green. Spathe 16-28 cm long; tube cylindric to somewhat obconic, not constricted apically, 6-15 x 1-7-3-5 cm, outer surface glaucous green with white, yellowish or purplish stripes along veins; limb ovate or oblong-ovate, long-acuminate, 10-13 x 3-5-5 cm, longer or shorter than tube, often with filamentous tip up to 4 cm long, green. Spadix normally unisexual, 9-17 cm long, just overtopping spathe tube; sterile appendix cylindric to clavate, sharply narrowed and sub-truncate basally with short stipe, 5-9 x 0-7-1-4 cm, apex rounded, pale green to greenish-yellow; staminate spadix subsessile, fertile part subcylindric, 2-5-7 x 0-7-1 -4 cm, flowers distant; pistillate spadix subsessile, fertile part gradually tapering upwards, usually with a few, subulate, sterile projections at appendix base, about 4-5 x 1-1 cm, flowers ± congested. Staminate flower composed of 3-5 stamens, anthers dehiscing by subcircular, oblique apical slits, sometimes confluent. Pistil ovoid, 3-4 mm long, green, ovary 2-2-5 mm diam., tapering to short style with capitate stigma. Fruiting spadix to 12cm long, without appendix. BERRIES subglobose, 0-5-1 cm diam., 2-4 seeded; seeds 4-5mm diam.
Pistillate spadix with sterile projections at appendix base; leaves usually subpedate; leaflets 5-7(9), margins entire. Reniform.
This species appears to be restricted to high altitudes in the Ruwenzori mountains and to be replaced at lower altitudes by the more widespread A. mildbraedii . Democratic Republic of Congo (Ruwenzori Mountains) to Uganda.
Bamboo or tree heather zones in damp shaded sites, sometimes epiphytic amongst moss in tree fork