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Piptospatha manduensis Bogner & A.Hay
Diminutive rheophytic herb to 14 cm tall. Stem decumbent-creeping to c. 5 cm long, c. 2.5 mm diam., with internodes c. 2 mm long. Leaves to 8 together, clustered or distributed along the stem; petiole 3-8 cm long, c. 1.3 mm diam., adaxially somewhat canaliculate and narrowly crisped-alate, sheathing at the extreme base, the wings extended into a narrowly triangular ligular portion to 2 cm long; blade weakly coriaceous, elliptic, 4-6 cm long × 2-3 cm wide, the base broadly acute to obtuse, the apex acute and apiculate for 1-2 mm; midrib slightly prominent abaxially, adaxially flush with the lamina, with 2-3 primary lateral veins on each side, irregularly alternating with lesser interprimaries, diverging at 45-60° and joining a conspicuous submarginal vein; secondary venation adaxially obscure, abaxially fine and somewhat distant (c. 1 mm apart); tertiary venation adaxially obscure, abaxially obscure or forming a very faint tessellate reticulum. Inflorescence solitary; peduncle (subequalling to) exceeding the leaves, 7-11 cm long. Spathe narrowly ovoid, 2-2.5 cm long with a slightly up-turned beak c. 3 mm long, pink with darker red stripes, the upper c. half caducous. Spadix 0.8-1.2 cm long, subcylindric, free; female zone 2-3.5 mm long; ovary ovoid, 1-1.2 mm diam.; stigma sessile, discoid, about as wide as the ovary, papillate, drying dark brown; interpistillar staminodes absent from among the pistils, confined to 3-5 oblique whorls at the base of the female zone, flat-topped, shortly stipitate, irregularly polygonal, slightly wider than the ovaries; sterile interstice absent; male zone shortly cylindric, apically obtuse, fertile throughout, c. 0.6 cm long, c. 4 mm diam.; stamens crowded, truncate, rectangular ellipsoid from above, 0.9-1 mm across, apically minutely and densely hairy; theca opening through an apical pore. Fruiting peduncle not much elongating; fruiting spathe broadly funnel-shaped, to 1 cm long and wide; berries clustered, subcylindric to obovoid with persistent stigma remnant, 3-3.3 mm long; seed subcylindric with a curved micropylar appendage as long as the body of the seed, appendages interlinked in the fruit holding the seeds together; testa light brown and slightly longitudinally ribbed.