Arisaema yunnanense (Araceae)
Plants dioecious. Tuber renewed seasonally, pale brown outside, white inside, depressed globose or globose, 0.5-4 cm in diam., with some offsets above; offsets sessile, globose. Cataphylls 2, green, sometimes purplish, 3-25 cm, papery, apex obtuse. Leaves 1(or 2); petiole green, without spots, 40-70 cm, basal 2/3 sheathing into pseudostem, encircled by cataphylls; leaf blade green on both surfaces, 3-foliolate; central leaflet with petiolule 0-1.5 cm, blade elliptic, sometimes ovate, 10-19 × 5-12 cm, base cuneate or obtuse, apex acuminate; lateral leaflets sessile or shortly petiolulate, ovate to lanceolate, 9-15 × 5.5-9 cm, base obliquely cuneate. Peduncle emerging from pseudostem, green, without spots, longer (male) or shorter than petioles, 20-75 cm. Spathe green, with longitudinal white lines; tube 2-2.5 × 1-1.4 cm, throat margin obliquely truncate, not auriculate; limb arching from base, ovate, ca. 5 × 3.5 cm, apex acuminate. Spadix unisexual; female zone conic, ca. 1.5 cm; ovary green, obovoid; ovules 3, basal; style ca. 0.5 mm; stigma depressed globose; male zone pyramidal, 1.5-2 cm, base 3-5 mm in diam.; synandria of 2 or 3 stamens; thecae violet, globose, opening by an apical pore. Appendix recurved outward or downward, pale green, cylindric, narrowed distally, 3.5-6 cm, base 2-2.5 mm in diam., naked. Berries red, subcylindric. Seeds 2 or 3, ovoid-globose. Fl. May-Jul, mature fr. Aug-Sep. 2n = 48.
This material was reprinted with permission from the Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, and Science Press, Beijing.
This material was reprinted with permission from the Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, and Science Press, Beijing.
This material was reprinted with permission from the Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, and Science Press, Beijing.
Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan [N Myanmar].
Pinus and Pinus-Quercus forests, grassy slopes, roadsides, thickets; 700-3200 m.