Arisarum vulgare O.Targ.Tozz.
Perennial green cormous herb; corms dark brown, c. 1-2 cm in diam.. rooting from the top part, usually deep in the ground. LEAVES sagittate to cordate c. 7-20 x 5-18 cm. entire with reticulate venation, upper surface shining: petiole 15-40 cm long, brown-purplish mottled, sheathing most of the underground portion of the scape. Scape 15-20 cm long mostly underground, the lower part also mottled and the above soil surface brown-greenish. S INFLORESCENCE: spathe tubular, 4-9 cm long with accuminate tip, the outer surface brown-greenish with white stripes. Spadix usually exserted with inflated tip; female flower at the lower part of the spadix while, male above; ovary ± spherical, style short and stigma capitate. INFRUCTESCENCE: Fruit berries in groups of 3-4. green subglobose. c. 1 cm in diameter.