Anthurium bullianum (Araceae)
Caudex shortly ascending, 12 - 15 cm tall, ca. 1.8 cm thick. LEAVES: Petiole 23 - 25 cm long, slender, terete, narrowly canaliculate, geniculum 1.5 cm long, canaliculate with acute margins. Blade membranaceous, above deeply green, below paler, broadly ovate-cordate, long acuminate, 23 cm long, 15 cm wide, at the base broadly cuneate into a wide sinus, primary lateral veins ca. 17 on each side, the lowermost running out into the margin, the rest somewhat arcuately ascending and joining into a collective vein 3 - 4 mm distant from the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle ca. 7 cm long, semiterete. Spathe boat-shaped, ovate and shortly cuspidate, green, purplish. Spadix shortly stipitate, 1.8 cm long, 4 mm thick. INFRUCTESCENCE unseen.
Origin unknown.