Anthurium burgeri Croat & R.A.Baker
Epiphyte or terrestrial on steep banks; stem short or long, 1-1.3 cm diam.; roots few, directed downward; cataphylls moderately thin, 6-14 cm long, blunt to acuminate at apex, drying brown (B & K Red-yellow 4/10), remaining intact, subsequently deciduous. LEAVES usually held ± erect to spreading; petioles 15-20 cm long, 4-6 mm diam. midway, terete; geniculum (0.5)1.5-2 cm long, weakly flattened adaxially; blades oblong-oblanceolate, moderately thick (drying somewhat reddish-brown or gray with purplish splotches), gradually acuminate at apex, narrowly cuneate at base, 36-48 cm long, 6.8-8 cm wide, broadest at or just above the middle; upper surface glossy to semiglossy or matte, lower surface semiglossy; midrib prominently raised above and below, broad at the base, becoming acute and narrow, then diminished and sunken at apex above, obtusely angled, sometimes tinged reddish near the base below; primary lateral veins 10-20 per side, departing midrib at ca. 60° angle, ± straight to the collective vein, flat and somewhat obscure above, raised below; collective vein arising from near the base, more conspicuous than the primary lateral veins, 2-9 mm from margin, weakly sunken above, prominulous below. INFLORESCENCE spreading, as long as or longer than the leaves; peduncle 40-53 cm long, to 4 mm diam., terete, longer than petioles; spathe moderately thin, light green sometimes tinged purple at margins (B & K Yellow-green 7/10) oblong-lanceolate to lanceolate, 6.5-9 cm long, 1.3-2.3 cm diam., broadest near the base, acuminate-cuspidate at apex, rounded to weakly cordate and slightly clasping at base, the margins sometimes joining petiole at slightly different levels; spadix sessile, greenish-brown to purplish-brown (B & K Yellow 6/7.5), 9-12.2 cm long, 5-7 mm diam. at base, to 3 mm diam. at apex; flowers rhombic to weakly 4-lobed, 2-3 mm wide in both directions, the sides straight to weakly sigmoid; 5-9 flowers visible in either spiral; tepals weakly glossy to matte, pale yellow-green with purplish inner edges, pale punctate, with a few scattered droplets, lateral tepals 1-1.3 mm wide, the inner margin broadly convex to almost straight; pistils weakly emergent, greenish; stigma ellipsoid-circular, ca. 5 mm long, brushlike and exserted, dark violet-purple, with a conspicuous droplet appearing briefly, well before first anthers emerge, dry and dark when anthers emerge; stamens emerging promptly from near the middle of the spadix or from the base, held ca. 1 mm above the tepals at anthesis, the filament ca. 3 times longer than the anthers, soon retracting the anther to the level of the tepals; anthers yellow-brown, 0.4-0.5 mm long, 0.7-0.8 mm wide, not contiguous; thecae weakly divaricate, oblong-elliptic: pollen orange (B & K Yellow 8/2.5), drying tan to whitish, quickly disappearing. INFRUCTESCENCE pendent-spreading; spadix ca. 12 cm long, ca. 1.9 cm diam., bearing berries in the basal half only; berries narrowly ovate, 6-6.7 mm long, 3-3.4 mm wide, acute to narrowly rounded at apex, red-orange (B & K Yellow-red 5/2.5); pericarp red-orange; mesocarp gelatinous, pale orange, with numerous raphide cells; seeds 1 or 2, elliptic, pale yellow, sometimes weakly flattened, 3.2-3.5 mm long, 2-2.1 mm wide, 1.2-2 mm thick, surrounded by a sticky amber envelope.