Pothos atropurpurascens (Araceae)
Slender to rather robust, heterophyllous, root-climbing liane. Shoot system well differentiated into free lateral flowering and clinging non-flowering branches; eocaul not observed; seedling shingle-leaved. LEAVES mid-green adaxially, slightly paler abaxially, chartaceous, drying dull green with the midrib pale yellow and slightly raised; petiole 2–10 × 0.2–0.3 cm, slender, sheath extending to geniculum, clasping basally and frequently for almost its entire length, with a short apical ligule; blade 7–25.5 × 2–8 cm, ovate-elliptic to narrowly oblong-elliptic or oblanceolate, base acute to obtuse, apex rounded and abruptly cuspidate, falcate, minutely apiculate; primary lateral veins arising at 65–80°, with 2 intramarginal veins per side, the lowermost arising from the base, subsequent veins arising from the lower part of the midrib, outer intramarginal vein remaining very close and parallel to margin. INFLORESCENCE solitary, terminal on leafy shoots, by reflexing of the peduncle held inverted beneath the shoot; peduncle (1.5–)2–8 × 0.15–0.25 cm, stout, reflexed c. 90° at the base, yellowish orange-brown. Spathe (2–)4–11 × 2–7 cm, ovate, deeply cucullate, base slightly decurrent on the peduncle, apex acute to attenuate, white stained purple, thinly leathery and prominently net-veined. Spadix sessile, (1.5–)2–5.5 × 0.3–0.7 cm, cylindrical, deep purple-grey. Flowers c. 1.2 mm diam., with 6 free tepals and 6 stamens. INFRUCTESCENCE with several to many berries; fruits 4–15 × 3–10 mm, ovate-ellipsoid; seeds not observed.
Malesia: endemic to N Borneo.
Primary to disturbed secondary lowland to upper hill forest, occasionally on ultramafics.