Pothos brassii (Araceae)
Slender, not highly ramified, hemi-epiphytic rainforest and gallery forest root-climbing liane. Shoot system poorly differentiated into non-flowering adherent and flowering branches, the branchlets having the leaves arranged very obviously in two ranks; eocaul thread-like, with a series of gradually larger leaves; seedlings succeeding gradually to adult leaf form. LEAVES drying greyish-green; petiole shorter than the blade, sheathing for most of its length, with the sheath usually not quite reaching the geniculum; wings of sheath more or less persistent, eventually becoming fibrous; blade c. 12 × 5 cm, elliptic, slightly to distinctly falcate, the midrib impressed above, base acute to obtuse, minutely auriculate; primary lateral veins diverging at c. 60–80°, subparallel, running into an intramarginal vein c. 8 mm from the margin and a submarginal vein c. 3 mm from the margin. INFLORESCENCE solitary or paired, terminal on leafy ultimate branchlets; peduncle exceeding the petiole of the subtending leaf, green (drying black), with c. 4 short cataphylls at its base (from the axil of one of which the second inflorescence may arise) usually hidden in the leaf sheath, or the first inflorescence without cataphylls and the second arising (with a minute prophyll and short cataphylls) in the axil of the subtending leaf. Spathe c. 2 cm long, broadly ovate, reflexed, base of the spathe margins somewhat decurrent (c. 3 mm) on the peduncle, tip mucronate for c. 3 mm, green. Spadix sessile, c. 2 cm long, oblong-ovoid, ivory-white; flowers c. 1.7 mm diam., with 6 free tepals and 6 stamens, with the anthers fully exserted from the tepals at and after anthesis. INFRUCTESCENCE with 1–few berries; fruit c. 1.3 cm long, ovoid, orange to orange-red when ripe; seeds not observed.
Australia (endemic to wet tropical eastern Queensland; locally common between Daintree and Bellenden Ker).
In rainforests.