Pothos cuspidatus (Araceae)
Very slender, highly ramified climber or hemi-epiphyte, the branchlets having the leaves interspersed with a greater number of cataphylls. Shoot system architecture unclear; eocaul and seedling not observed. LEAVES drying dull dark green; petiole slender, to 2.5 cm long, c. ¼ the length of the blade, very narrowly sheathing to the geniculum; blade highly variable in size on a branch, c. 6–12.5 cm × 1.5–4 cm (sometimes much smaller on ultimate branchlets), ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, rather abruptly acuminate into prolonged ‘drip tips’, base acute to somewhat obtuse; primary lateral veins diverging at 45–75°, intramarginal veins one on each side of the midrib, submarginal. INFLORESCENCE solitary, terminal on ultimate leafy branches but subtended by one or more narrow cataphylls to 1.7 cm long; peduncle 1–2 cm long, very slender. Spathe c. 3 cm × 4 mm, ovate, subulate. Spadix sessile, 1 cm × c. 3 mm, oblong. Flowers c. 1.6 mm diam., with 6 free tepals and 6 stamens. INFRUCTESCENCE with 2–5 berries; fruit 1–1.2 cm × c. 5 mm, elongate-obovoid; seeds not observed.
Malesia: endemic to western New Guinea (known only from northern Papua Barat in the Taritatau (Idenburgh) River area).
Mossy lower montane in forest.