Pothos falcifolius Engl. & K.Krause
Moderately robust hemi-epiphytic root-climbing liane often with root-thorns at the nodes. Shoot system architecture unclear; eocaul and seedling not observed. LEAVES rather stiffly chartaceous, mid- to dark green abaxially and adaxially; petiole 2.5–9 cm long, sheathing up to or just short of the geniculum, sheath persistent; blade 10–28 × 2–11 cm, ovate to elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, somewhat falcate when narrow, tip acute to gradually or abruptly acuminate, base acute to obtuse to somewhat auriculate, midrib clearly off-centre, prominent abaxially, flush or impressed adaxially; primary lateral veins diverging at 45–85°, intramarginal veins 1 or 2, continuing more or less the length of the blade from the base or running to the margin and replaced by another about midway up the blade. INFLORESCENCE solitary and terminal on free leafy shoots or on sympodial, leafless, cataphyll-bearing, simple branch systems borne among the leaves (initially?) to (later?) complex perennial(?) branch systems borne on older parts of the stem. Spathe c. 2.3–7 cm long, oblong-lanceolate, deflexed, usually persisting into fruit, white. Spadix stipitate; stipe 2–3 mm long; fertile portion 2–4 cm × c. 2 mm diam. (up to c. 6 cm × c. 7–8 mm diam. when fruiting), markedly distally tapering. Flowers c. 1 mm diam, somewhat distant, sunk in pits in the spadix, tepals 4, united into an operculum with a central pore over the floral pit, stamens 4, the anthers at the mouth of the perianth at anthesis. INFRUCTESCENCE with many fruits, fruiting perianth c. 4–5 mm diam, spreading, with the margins split into irregular segments, forming a cupule beneath the berry; fruit 1–2 cm long, ovoid to subcylindric, ripening yellow through orange to dark red with watery pulp; seeds c. 9 × 3 mm, 1 or 2 per fruit, dark brown.