Anthurium carinatum Engl.
Stem erect, to 7-8 dm [70 - 80 cm] tall; cataphylls fibrous, purplish when juvenile. LEAVES: Petiole almost equalling blade, or always larger than (literally, overtopping) half, slender, 2.5 dm [25 cm] long, about 3 mm diam. broadly canaliculate above, tricarinate (or three-keeled) at the back (or lower or outer side; blades about 3 dm [30 cm] long, 12 cm wide; cusp 2 cm long, 2-3 mm wide; lateral veins about 15 pairs departing from midrib at about a 50-60 degree angle, mildly arcuate, excepting the lowermost, [which is] merging freely, (literally excepting the lowermost freely merging) joined in a collective vein away from the margin, distinctly prominent below. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle strongly angled, overtopping the petiole a little, 3 dm [30 cm] long; spathe linear-lanceolate; cusp 5 mm long, narrowly cuspidate, yellowish, 7 cm long, 7 mm wide; spadix subsessile, slender, cylindrical, dingy-violet, 6.5 cm long, scarcely 3 mm diam.