Pothos lancifolius (Araceae)
Slender to somewhat robust, heterophyllous, root-climbing liane to 8 m. Shoot system well differentiated into adherent non-flowering and flowering free lateral branches; eocaul not observed; seedling shingle-leaved, often producing long, adherent strongly flattened feeding roots with a prominently warty-spiny epidermis. LEAVES mid-green adaxially, slightly paler abaxially, stiffly chartaceous, drying dull greenish brown, midrib paler, prominently raised; petiole 4–14 × 0.15–0.2 cm, slender, sheath rather prominent, extending to just below geniculum, basally clasping, apically briefly ligulate; blade 10–25 × 2.5–10 cm, ovate to elliptic or narrowly lanceolate, base rounded, apex acute to long-attenuate, minutely apiculate; primary lateral veins arising at c. 60°, intramarginal veins 2 per side, the lowermost arising from the base, the next arising from the lower part of the midrib, outer intramarginal vein remaining very close and parallel to margin, inner vein c. 5 mm distant, both reaching the leaf tip. INFLORESCENCE solitary, occasionally paired on a foliage-leafless shoot arising below a foliage leaf, less often terminal on a leafy shoot; peduncle 1.5–5 × 0.15–0.3 cm, stout, sharply bent, dull greenish yellow. Spathe 2.5–10 × 1–4 cm, lanceolate, slightly cucullate, base barely decurrent on the peduncle, apex acuminate, green to purplish-green, slightly softly-leathery. Spadix sessile, 1.5–5 × 0.3–0.9 cm, cylindrical, dark yellow to yellow-green. Flowers c. 1.5 mm diam., with 6 free tepals and 6 stamens. INFRUCTESCENCE with numerous berries, mostly born towards the bottom of the spadix; fruit 10–15 × 10–11 mm, ellipsoid to bottle-shaped, ripening deep scarlet, with prominent basal leathery and chartaceous tepal remains and a large stigmatic remnant; seeds c. 4–6 × 2–3 mm diam., ellipsoid.
Vietnam. In Malesia: Peninsular Malaysia.
Degraded dry to damp seasonal evergreen upper hill to lower montane forest on clay soils over granite.