Anthurium carneospadix Engl.
Stem shortly climbing or forward creeping, internodes short. Cataphylls lanceolate, 15-20 cm long, soon decomposed and fibrous. LEAVES: Petiole more-or-less terete, a little longer than the blade, 40-45 cm long, 4-5 mm thick, geniculum 1.5 cm long. Blade oblong-cordate, 40-45 cm long, posterior lobes semi-reniform, incurving, 3.5 times shorter than the anterior lobe, basal primary lateral veins 6, joined into posterior ribs which are long-denuded in the oblong sinus, upwardly curving near the margin and running out into the margin, basal primary lateral veins 2, the single interlobe vein and one vein of the anterior lobe, or the latter only, joined with the 7-8 parallel primary lateral veins of the midrib into a collective vein distant 5-6 mm from the margin, the secondary lateral veins more slender and distinctly prominent below. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle 15 cm long. Spathe lanceolate, 9-12 cm long, 1.5-3 cm wide, purplish brown. Spadix with a stipe 1.5-2 cm long, becoming 10 cm long, 8 mm thick. Tepals flesh-coloured, ca. 2 mm long. Stamens broadly linear, 3 mm long. Pistil ovoid, contracted into a style. Stigma capitate. INFRUCTESCENCE unseen.